1. 通过歌曲记忆
有一些歌曲可以帮助我们记忆一周的七天,例如:“Monday, Monday, how could you come on a day like this?”“Tuesday, Tuesday, better than Monday.”“Wednesday, Wednesday, only one day to go.”“Thursday, Thursday, almost the weekend.”“Friday, Friday, the end is in sight.”“Saturday, Saturday, finally the weekend!”和“Sunday, Sunday, rest and relaxation.”
2. 通过韵律记忆
我们还可以通过韵律来记忆这些单词,打油诗:“Monday is hard, Tuesday is better. Wednesday is in the middle. Thursday is next. Friday’s the end. Saturday and Sunday are the weekend.”
3. 通过故事记忆
我们可以编一个故事来记忆这些单词,例如:“Once upon a time, Monday was the hardest day of the week for me. Tuesday was a little better. Wednesday was sort of in between. Thursday was next up. Friday was looking forward to the weekend. Saturday was the weekend proper. And Sunday was the best day of all!”