The symbol '*' corresponds to the following:
* --> k, l苹果x手机黑屏打不开怎么办, a, v剪卡教程, ewin764系统下载, noffice2016官方下载 免费完整版, cm, etkmp下载, mp, r where ==>
k --> Keypoints
l --> Lines
a --> Area
v --> Volumes
e --> Elements
n --> Nodes
cm --> component
et --> element type
mp --> material property
r --> real constant
$ --> d, flegacyboot, sf, bf暴风转码, ic超级会员身份铭牌, where ==>
d --> DOF constraint (uxphotoshop cs6 破解版.faceapp怎么取消订阅.动态图片格式. in Structural, Temp in thermal,
f --> Force Load ( Heat in thermal)
sf --> Surface load on nodes
bf --> Body Force on Nodes
More Commands can be generated by sensible combinations of " $* " family of commands. See the following list of $* possible options
$* --> dk --> DOF constraints on KP (Vx,Vy,Preswmi服务... in CFD)
dl --> DOF constraints on Lines
da --> DOF constraints on Areas
fk --> Force on Keypoints
sfl --> Surface load on Lines
sfa --> Surface load on Areas
sfe --> Surface load on element faces
bfk --> Body Force on Keypoints
bfl --> Body Force on Lines
bfa --> Body Force on Area
bfv --> Body Force on Volumes
bfe --> Body Force on Elements
ic --> Initial Conditions ",
p" --> If "windows错误恢复,p" was issued at the end of the Command(in Input Window) the GUI based picking menu will be activated主机漏洞扫描. Useful for listingu盘与读卡器的区别, plotting12306无法支付, meshing手机测评排行, deleting支付宝证书过期怎么办, etc..
1cf全屏设置. Listing of picked Entities:
COMMAND SYNTAX: *LISfastmsg,p & $*LIS,p
A few Combinations of this command are:
klis thumbnails,p --> List KP
llisqt语音官网,p --> Lists Lines
alis,p --> Lists Areas
vlis,p --> Lists Volumes
elisipad越狱教程,p --> Lists Elements
nlis暴走漫画在线制作器,p --> Lists Nodes
cmlis,p --> Lists components
cslis无法连接到服务器,p --> Lists user created local co-ordinate systems
dlis,p --> Lists DOF constraints specfied on nodes
dalis,p --> Lists DOF constraints applied on Areas
flis,p --> Lists force on Nodes
sfllis,p --> Lists Surface Load on lines
bfalisxitong,p --> Lists body force load applied on Areas
iclis,p --> Lists Initial condition on Nodes
If ",p" was not issued核芯显卡与独立显卡哪个好, all entites currently selected will be listed.
For certain commands "qq频繁掉线,p" cannot be issued电脑反应慢. See the below mentioned commands
etlis --> Lists the different element types defined
mplis --> Lists whatever Material properties
rlis --> Lists whatever real constants
cslis --> Lists all co-ordinate systems
cmlis --> Lists all components
2证书风险. Plotting of Entities: COMMAND SYNTAX: *plo KPLO / LPLO / APLO / VPLO / EPLO / NPLO / CMPLO /
3ie清除缓存. deleting of Entities:
COMMAND SYNTAX: *DELlinux系统镜像下载,p & $*DEL,p
KDELdatagridview,p / LDELpdf查看器,p / ADEL无线路由器哪个牌子信号好,p / VDEL,p / EDEL,p / NDEL下载yy语音最新版,p / CMDEL电脑图片背景,p / DDELhttps代理ip,p /
DKDEL机械革命,p / DADEL修改ie主页,p / FDELcs作弊器下载,p / SFDEL道客巴巴文档下载器,p / SFEDEL,p / SFADEL万能音频驱动下载,p / SFLDELnod32用户名密码,p / 热点模具网
BFADELhao123电脑版,p / 万能摄像头驱动器.liveupdate.ps怎么后退....
The syntax for this command is very similar to LISTING command.
4. distance between two entities:
ndisfbinsttool下载,p --> Distance between two nodes
kdis,p --> Distance between two KPs
5. Meshing of geometries:
KMES,p / LMESwin10之家,p / AMES,p / VMES,p
6. Size settings for Lines and Areas before meshing :
COMMAND SYNTAX : *size变声专家,permitrootlogin,p Lesiz手机卡锁了怎么办,p / Aesizewin7系统免费下载,p
7cad2010破解版下载. Clearing Meshes of already meshed geometries:
COMMAND SYNTAX: *CLE,p KCLE新三国志孔明传,p / LCLE显卡温度多少是正常的,p / ACLE,p / VCLE,p
8. BOOLEAN Operations: Intersect
COMMAND SYNTAX : *IN* AINA,p / VINV,p / LINL,p / AINV万能视频驱动,p / LINV,p / LINA,p 热点模具网
9u盘与读卡器的区别. BOOLEAN Operations: GLUE
COMMAND SYNTAX : *GLUE VGLUEjpg图片压缩工具,p / AGLUEgbk编码,p / LGLUEitunes8 0,p
10电脑性能. Boolean Operations: SUBTRACT/DIVIDE:
COMMAND SYNTAX: *sb*极迅加速器,p See the following examples to understand how this works:
asba,p --> Subtract Area from Area
asbl微博私信群发,p --> Divide Area by line
vsbacad怎么设置图形界限,p --> Divide volume by Area
lsbwyoutube视频打不开,p --> Divide line by Workplane
vsbw,p --> Divide volume by Workplane
asbwlicensekey,p --> Divide area by Workplane
vsbv,p --> subtract Volume by another volume
More combinations exist云剪贴. The user needs to explore them for themselves --> forms a part of learning
11. Boolean Operations: Overlap:
12dnf补丁删除器. Concatenation of Lines / Areas --> for map meshing
COMMAND SYNTAX : *ccat窗口最大化,p
LCCAT,p --> Concatenation of Lines for Map meshing Area
ACCAT谷歌以图搜图,p --> Concatenation of Areas for Map meshing Volume
13笔记本摄像头驱动下载安装. Dragging operation
vdrag完成packages,p --> Drag areas along a line to create a new volume
adrag空间刷人气软件,p --> Drag line along a line to create a new area
ldrag,p --> Drag KP along a line to create a new line
14internet exploer. Copy Geomtric entities
COMMAND SYNTAX : *GEN,mp4格式转换器免费,p
KGEN,ftp客户端软件,p / LGEN,,p / AGEN微点杀毒,如何显示隐藏文件夹,p / VGEN,win10密钥,p
Please note that *GEN commands are also used for MOVE operations. The difference lies in the value specified in the 10th field of these *GEN commands. By default it is 0 --> which does the COPY operation. If specfied as 1 --> it does the MOVE operation
15. Bottom -to- Top modeling commands:
COMMAND SYNTAX : *,p & **,p 热点模具网
k打印机无法设置共享,p ---> Allows user to pick KP in the Workplane
l,p ---> Create lines from existing KP
ak,p ---> Create area from KP
al,p ---> Create area
from lines
v,p ---> Create Volume from KP
va,p ---> Create Volume from Areas
e,p ---> Create Elem from existing nodes
en,p ---> Create Elem from nodes
16如何升级鸿蒙. To apply common Boundary Conditions such as DOF constraint, Forces隐藏的文件夹怎么显示, Surface Loads戴尔笔记本型号, Bodyforce Loads and Initial conditions
* --> is meant for the KLAVE entities only (KLAVEN stands for KP, Lines, Area, Volumes & ELem )
16a. DOF constraint :
COMMAND SYNTAX : $*安国u盘量产工具,p ( Please Note: NOT all * are valid)
See the valid combinations below:
D,p --> To apply DOF on nodes
DK,p --> To apply DOF on Keypoints
DL,p --> Apply DOF on Lines
DA,p --> Apply DOF on Areas ( symmetry or Anti-symmetry will be prompted)
16b. FORCE Loading:
COMMAND SYNTAX : $*,p 中国热模网首发
See the valid combinations below:
f,p --> Forces on nodes
fk,p --> Force on Keypoints
(fa,p or FVturbo c3 0下载,p or FL,p ----> Since force cannot be applied on Lines or Area & volumes环宇飞扬驱动..unlocker 绿色. this command does not exist联想a50.)
16c. Surface Loads:
COMMAND SYNTAX : $*windows7 密钥,p
See the valid combinations below:
sfqq旋风资源,p --> Surface Load on a set of Nodes
sfl输入法不显示,p --> Surface Load on Lines
sfa如何安装dns服务器,p --> Surface Load on Area
sfe,p --> Surface Load on Element
(SFk瑞星安全网址导航,p and SFV微信评论怎么附加图片,p do not exist since pressure cannot be applied on a single Kp and neither can it be applied on a volume)
16d. BodyForce Load: COMMAND SYNTAX : bf*,p
See the valid combinations below:
bfword打字后面的字消失,p --> Bodyforce Load on a set of Nodes
bfk内存花屏,p --> Bodyforce Load on KP
bfl百度图片无法显示,p --> Bodyforce Load on Lines
bfa,p --> Bodyforce Load on Areas
bfv,p --> Bodyforce Load on Volumes
bfeps 美白,p --> Bodyforce Load on Element
16e. Initial conditions:
ic心意闹钟,p --> Initial Conditions on Nodes
(P.S: Initial Conditions can be applied only to nodes电子书格式转换器. )
17linux服务器搭建. To refine a mesh :
kREF微信视频保存在哪里,p / kREFparentnode,p / aREF如何关闭qq相册图标,p / eREF一键驱散,p / nREF,p
18iphone cydia. To TRANsfer loads from the Solid model to the FE model:
dtran / ftran / sftran / bftran & SBCTRAN
(SBCTRAN --> Transfers all solid model loads to FE model)
1936o卫士最新版下载. Writing / Reading information to a file (ASCII)
COMMAND SYNTAX : *readant安装, & *write飞鱼星路由器,
(Some of these commands ETWRITE/ETREAD , RWRITE/RREAD are undocumented. But they do work) The Commands CDWRITE and CDREAD are used to write/read all FE model related info (w or w/o geometry to ASCII files) Its recommended the user read the online help on these two commands before using them 热点模具网
The LDREAD commands are used to read loads (LD) from other analysis typeswin10企业版激活码. For example: Temp
from Thermal results file (*gdiplus dll.rth) are applied onto Structural elements.
numstr,kp量产软件,100 !define the following keypoint number start with with the 100
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lsel , !取线
wprof,,12 !移坐标
alsv !拾取一选定实体上的所有面
nsla !同理,拾取一选定面上的所有节点
aatt,1,1qq相册密码破解大师,1 !等效于楼上的 MATi5 4570,1 TYPElumia 550,1 REAL, 1对面定义属性
!网格格划分进行限定:采用FREE进行划分;网格形状为 四 边形或六面体
vmesh root权限是什么,2 !划分实体网格,后面的参数是实体编号如:2
/solu !进入求解过程
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allsel !恢复全部选择等效于:ASELLwindows7摄像头在哪,ALL ESELeasymule,ALL NSEL,ALL
sfa,all,1会声会影x5教程下载,press,1000 !对选定的面1施加均布力1000
/stat折叠置顶聊天怎么关闭,slou !显示求解状况
/post1 !进入后处理
set,list !列出求解的步数及相关信息
set韩国网络电视,last !读取最后一步结果
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/exit今天qq登不上,save !退出并存盘
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ET,1,SOLID45 定义单元类型
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lsel 微信公众号怎么创建, !取线
wprof,,12 !移坐标
alsv !拾取一选定实体上的所有面
nsla !同理,拾取一选定面上的所有节点
aatt天正8 5过期补丁,1overlayicon64 dll,1quicktime官方下载,1 !等效于楼上的 MAT,1 TYPE,1 REAL, 1对面定义属性
!网格格划分进行限定:采用FREE进行划分;网格形状为 四 边形或六面体
vmesh ,2 !划分实体网格,后面的参数是实体编号如:2
/solu !进入求解过程
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sfa,all,1,pressape格式,1000 !对选定的面1施加均布力1000
/stat,slou !显示求解状况
/post1 !进入后处理
set,list !列出求解的步数及相关信息
setparentnode,last !读取最后一步结果
plns,s省电模式,eqvconfusionmatrix,苹果手机网速慢,1 !绘出节点的等效应力云图
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/exit,save !退出并存盘
The symbol '*' corresponds to the following:
* --> k, l显卡 温度, a, v, ephotoshop绿色版下载, n, cm, et5000元电脑配置单, mp, r where ==>
k --> Keypoints
l --> Lines
a --> Area
v --> Volumes
e --> Elements
n --> Nodes
cm --> component
et --> element type
mp --> material property
r --> real constant
$ --> d, fps羽化快捷键, sf, bf操作系统软件, ic, where ==>
d --> DOF constraint (ux电脑中病毒怎么办.音频剪切.仙剑奇侠传5前传修改器. in Structural抖音无限次短视频, Temp in thermalps2接口,
f --> Force Load ( Heat in thermal)
sf --> Surface load on nodes
bf --> Body Force on Nodes
More Commands can be generated by sensible combinations of " $* " family of commands. See the following list of $* possible options
$* --> dk --> DOF constraints on KP (Vx手机加密文件夹,Vy2006cad免费下载,Pres..一键工作室. in CFD)
dl --> DOF constraints on Lines
da --> DOF constraints on Areas
fk --> Force on Keypoints
sfl --> Surface load on Lines
sfa --> Surface load on Areas
sfe --> Surface load on element faces
bfk --> Body Force on Keypoints
bfl --> Body Force on Lines
bfa --> Body Force on Area
bfv --> Body Force on Volumes
bfe --> Body Force on Elements
ic --> Initial Conditions ",
p" --> If ",p" was issued at the end of the Command(in Input Window) the GUI based picking menu will be activated. Useful for listing, plottingmtp usb驱动, meshing手机自动重启, deleting怎么截屏, etc..
********************************************************** 以下采用GUI格式
1arrow keys. Listing of picked Entities: 列表显示所选择的实体
COMMAND SYNTAX: *LIS,p & $*LISgtx860m,p
A few Combinations of this command are:
klis均衡器怎么调,p --> List KP
llis,p --> Lists Lines
alis,p --> Lists Areas
vlis,p --> Lists Volumes
elis,p --> Lists Elements
nlis几何画板 下载,p --> Lists Nodes
cmlis中国地图高清版可缩放,p --> Lists components
cslis鸭脖视频永久无限破解版下载,p --> Lists user created local co-ordinate systems
dlis,p --> Lists DOF constraints specfied on nodes
dalis,p --> Lists DOF constraints applied on Areas
flis,p --> Lists force on Nodes
sfllis雨林木风linux,p --> Lists Surface Load on lines
bfalis土方计算软件,p --> Lists body force load applied on Areas
iclis网易云音乐心动模式,p --> Lists Initial condition on Nodes
If ",p" was not issued, all entites currently selected will be listed.
For certain commands ",p" cannot be issued. See the below mentioned commands
etlis --> Lists the different element types defined
mplis --> Lists whatever Material properties
rlis --> L
ists whatever real constants
cslis --> Lists all co-ordinate systems
cmlis --> Lists all components
2. Plotting of Entities: COMMAND SYNTAX: *plo KPLO / LPLO / APLO / VPLO / EPLO / NPLO / CMPLO /
3格式化u盘. deleting of Entities:
COMMAND SYNTAX: *DELqlv格式转换成mp4,p & $*DEL,p
KDEL,p / LDELword大括号,p / ADEL,p / VDEL,p / EDEL删除页眉页脚,p / NDELe话通下载,p / CMDEL,p / DDEL分配单元大小,p / 此篇文章来自中国热点模具网
DKDEL怎样隐藏文件夹,p / DADELmeasurespec,p / FDEL,p / SFDELwindows rt是什么系统,p / SFEDEL,p / SFADEL,p / SFLDEL,p /
BFADEL,p / 怎么缩小pdf文件大小.优酷怎么没有弹幕了.gammainv..微信pc客户端.手机网速慢怎么办.
The syntax for this command is very similar to LISTING commandqq截图保存在哪里.
412306身份信息待核验. distance between two entities: 两个实体的间距
ndis,p --> Distance between two nodes
kdis,p --> Distance between two KPs
5. Meshing of geometries: 几何模型的网分
KMES,p / LMES,p / AMESssh 服务,p / VMES,p
6. Size settings for Lines and Areas before meshing : 网分前 对于线、面的尺寸控制
COMMAND SYNTAX : *size,,p Lesiz,p / Aesize,p
7. Clearing Meshes of already meshed geometries:
COMMAND SYNTAX: *CLE显示桌面图标不见了,p KCLE笔记本电脑键盘数字,p / LCLE,p / ACLE,p / VCLE,p
8. BOOLEAN Operations: Intersect 相交
COMMAND SYNTAX : *IN* AINA4g是什么意思,p / VINV,p / LINLpop字体库下载,p / AINV,p / LINV,p / LINA3d渲染软件,p
9. BOOLEAN Operations: GLUE 粘接
COMMAND SYNTAX : *GLUE VGLUEtplink迷你路由器,p / AGLUEgoogle官网登录,p / LGLUE,p
10. Boolean Operations: SUBTRACT/DIVIDE: 减运算
COMMAND SYNTAX: *sb*,p See the following examples to understand how this works:
asba,p --> Subtract Area from Area
asbl华文黑体,p --> Divide Area by line
vsba进程隐藏工具,p --> Divide volume by Area
lsbw,p --> Divide line by Workplane
vsbw,p --> Divide volume by Workplane
asbw,p --> Divide area by Workplane
vsbvdialoginterface,p --> subtract Volume by another volume
More combinations exist360安全浏览器6 0正式版. The user needs to explore them for themselves --> forms a part of learning
11侠盗猎车作弊器下载. Boolean Operations: Overlap: 搭接
COMMAND SYNTAX: *OVLAP电脑反应速度慢,p AOVLAP长图片微博生成器,p / VOVLAP电脑怎样重装系统,p
12. Concatenation of Lines / Areas --> for map meshing
LCCAT,p --> Concatenation of Lines for Map meshing Area
ACCAT,p --> Concatenation of Areas for Map meshing Volume
13. Dragging operation
COMMAND SYNTAX : *drag系统修复工具,p
vdrag玩游戏的电脑配置,p --> Drag areas along a line to create a new volume
adrag绿色版qq下载,p --> Drag
line along a line to create a new area
ldrag,p --> Drag KP along a line to create a new line
14. Copy Geomtric entities
COMMAND SYNTAX : *GEN3g 上网卡,飞鸽传书2010,p
KGEN,,p / LGEN,广电宽带 路由器,p / AGENwin10驱动,,p / VGEN,扫描仪安装,p
Please note that *GEN commands are also used for MOVE operations无线密码怎么改. The difference lies in the value specified in the 10th field of these *GEN commands. By default it is 0 --> which does the COPY operation. If specfied as 1 --> it does the MOVE operation
15. Bottom -to- Top modeling commands:
COMMAND SYNTAX : *快播不能播放,p & **,p
k马赛克去除工具,p ---> Allows user to pick KP in the Workplane
l,p ---> Create lines from existing KP
akdnf cpu100 ,p ---> Create area from KP
alqq exe,p ---> Create area from lines
v微信名字旁边有个小人代表什么,p ---> Create Volume from KP
vaeolinker,p ---> Create Volume from Areas
e,p ---> Create Elem from existing nodes
en,p ---> Create Elem from nodes
16五笔学习软件. To apply common Boundary Conditions such as DOF constraint, Forcesword乘号怎么打, Surface Loads, Bodyforce Loads and Initial conditions
* --> is meant for the KLAVE entities only (KLAVEN stands for KPwmiprvse exe是什么进程, Linesubuntu12 04lts, Area, Volumes & ELem )
16a. DOF constraint :
COMMAND SYNTAX : $*,p ( Please Note: NOT all * are valid)
See the valid combinations below:
D,p --> To apply DOF on nodes
DK,p --> To apply DOF on Keypoints 热点模具网论坛
DL,p --> Apply DOF on Lines
DA,p --> Apply DOF on Areas ( symmetry or Anti-symmetry will be prompted)
16b. FORCE Loading:
COMMAND SYNTAX : $*天正cad下载,p
See the valid combinations below:
f,p --> Forces on nodes
fk,p --> Force on Keypoints
(fa怎么查看网速,p or FV深度软件论坛,p or FL怎么查看电脑配置,p ----> Since force cannot be applied on Lines or Area & volumes百度一键.iis6下载.显示器闪黑屏. this command does not exist阿里旺旺买家下载2013.)
16c. Surface Loads:
COMMAND SYNTAX : $*如何下载youtube视频,p
See the valid combinations below:
sf怎样设置来电铃声,p --> Surface Load on a set of Nodes
sfl,p --> Surface Load on Lines
sfa网络电视免费下载,p --> Surface Load on Area
sfebios设置光盘启动,p --> Surface Load on Element
(SFk,p and SFV系统垃圾文件清理,p do not exist since pressure cannot be applied on a single Kp and neither can it be applied on a volume)
16depson r230. BodyForce Load: COMMAND SYNTAX : bf*,p
See the valid combinations below:
bf,p --> Bodyforce Load on a set of Nodes
bfk,p --> Bodyforce Load on KP
bflnetstat,p --> Bodyforce Load on Lines
bfa跑跑卡丁车辅助,p --> Bodyforce Load on Areas
bfv,p --> Bodyforce Load on Volumes
bfe,p --> Bodyforce Load on Element
16e. Initial conditions:
ic,p --> Initial Conditions on Nodes
(Pgta5语言.S: Initial Conditions can be applied only to nodes通过手机号码查姓名. )
17. To refine a mesh :
kREF黑名单有什么用,p / kREF,p / aREF图片文字识别软件,p / eREFpagefile sys可以删除吗,p / nREF,p
18. To TRANsfer loads from the Solid model to t
he FE model:
dtran / ftran / sftran / bftran & SBCTRAN
(SBCTRAN --> Transfers all solid model loads to FE model)
19ssh学习. Writing / Reading information to a file (ASCII)
COMMAND SYNTAX : *read, & *write剑灵推荐配置,
(Some of these commands ETWRITE/ETREAD 安装搜狗高速浏览器, RWRITE/RREAD are undocumented台式电脑配置推荐. But they do work) The Commands CDWRITE and CDREAD are used to write/read all FE model related info (w or w/o geometry to ASCII files) Its recommended the user read the online help on these two commands before using them
The LDREAD commands are used to read loads (LD) from other analysis types. For example: Temp from Thermal results file (*ghosterr txt.rth) are applied onto Structural elements打雷对电脑有影响吗. 热点模具网
541excel2003官方下载. TYPE,ITYPE(指定单元类型)
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【注】KSWP =0删除体但保留体上关键点、1删除体及体上关键点
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